

For all these years we've been saying "let's make a showreel". And now we finally did it. Not one showreel but four!


There's room for a lot of creativeness when it comes to creating sound design for animated content. We love how music and sound effects can help enlive an animation. In this showreel you can see, feel and hear the universes we helped creating.

Sonic branding

When we think of branding, we tend to envision logos, specific colours or a recognizable visual style. However, there’s more than meets the eye: with sonic branding we want to make sure that a brand or organization is heard as well as seen.

Sonic branding can help bring more attention to a brand. It encourages loyalty and enhances brand recall. Because sound and music resonate with the audience on a more emotional level, it can be a great way to communicate your values and purposes.

Listen to some examples of sound identities we helped creating throughout the years.


Creating a soundtrack can be perceived as one of the most prestigious projects as a composer. For our first feature film FERRY (De Mensen for Netflix) we were able to create an authentic atmosphere and musically support the story from opening score to end credit.




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